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When a sample arrives at NovaCropControl before 9 AM, the results will be sent per e-mail on the first working day after arrival of your samples at our laboratory. When a sample arrives after 9 AM the results will be sent per e-mail a day later. When we have target values for your crop, we present your results in bar charts. The bars provide quick insight into the results. The shortest or longest bars are the most limiting factor in the optimal growth of the plant. It is therefore important to look at the relationships between certain elements. This is why it can be difficult to interpret a plant sap analysis report. An instruction has therefore been drawn up in which it is basically explained how a plant sap report should be interpreted. For an even more complete advice click here for the possibilities.

It is also possible to send in samples of both good and bad plants. This gives insight into the nutritional status of your crops.

Click here for an example of a plantsap sample report.
Click here for an example of a water sample report.