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In order to gain a good insight into the nutrient uptake during the entire cultivation, we recommend that you sample frequently. How often and the type of analysis depends on the crop. This way a lot of data is collected, which can make it difficult to keep overview. Our free program Bemesting-Online makes it possible to easily compare crops and/or locations with a graphical representation. It also makes it easier to compare the data with the target values. This way, the development of the cultivation can be better assessed. It is better to give advice on the development of the cultivation than on an individual analysis.

The graphs in Bemesting-Online are generated based on the names on the sample. It is therefore important that the name of one and the same crop is indicated on the sample in the same way every time. To prevent mistakes and to have a structured sampling schedule, it is recommended to order the labels pre-printed.

An account for Bemesting-Online can be requested as soon as labels have been ordered. An account will then be created under your email address. Access is granted per person. If several people from a company want access, they will each get a separate account.

As consultant, it is also possible to view your customer's data via Bemesting-Online. This requires permission from the customer. The customer must indicate when this permission will expire again.

Below are a number of instructional films explaining the use of Bemesting-Online. You can also download the PDF version here.

Instruction video's Bemesting-Online

• Bemesting-Online program explanation ENG

• Chapter 1 ENG

• Chapter 2 ENG

• Chapter 3 ENG

• Chapter 4 ENG