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About us


A plant sap analysis provides insight in the actual uptake of nutrients by the plant. This reveals important information about the plant‘s health status. An optimal and balanced uptake of nutrients has a positive effect on the plant‘s natural disease resistance and on the quality, firmness and shelf life of fruits. The activities of NovaCropControl exist out of 3 different sections; performing plant sap- and water analyses in the laboratory, offering independent consultancy and performing independent research on plant resilience.


NovaCropControl is aiming to provide insight in the plant‘s nutrient uptake, with a fast and accurate service based on low cost. To reach that goal, NovaCropControl uses plant sap analyses and, if necessary in combination with (ISO-17025) accredited drip, drain and substrate water analyses. Besides that, NovaCropControl wants to transfer knowledge and draw attention to the importance of healthy food.

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A plant sap analysis by NovaCropControl:

• Provides a consolidated summary of the total amount of nutrients taken up by a plant
• Reveals varietal differences in nutrient uptake
• Is a tool to adjust fertilization strategies accurately and quickly
• Makes it possible to optimise nutritional status to improve natural disease resistance
• Reveals a nutrient deficiency in an early stage
• Gives the opportunity to fine-tune fertilization for an optimal production
• Can help to save on fertilizer costs
• Overview of results via
• ISO-17025 accredited water analyses


Vision and mission

The vision of NovaCropControl is that Dutch and international agriculture and horticulture will become less dependent on pesticides by optimizing the nutrient uptake of plants. This results in a vital and healthy producing plant with less input. To achieve this, it is our mission to provide everyone in agricultural and horticultural sector with important information about the current vitality of plants, obtained through plant sap and water analyses. Plant sap analyses are a fast, reliable and inexpensive way to visualize the current uptake of nutrients by the plant. This makes it possible to make targeted adjustments to the use of fertilizers and indirectly to plant health. By analyzing nutrient solutions (such as irrigation, drain and slab water) and starting water (basin and spring water), it can be determined which nutrients the plant is offered and used to guarantee optimal growth.

To realize our mission the following core values are important to us:

- Efficiency
- Customer satisfaction
- Innovation
- Sustainability
- Independency

Efficiency: In order to provide the customer with the best possible service, NovaCropControl strives to carry out the work quickly, reliably and efficiently. If samples are delivered before 9.00 am, the customer will receive the results the next working day. To make this permanently possible in the future, NovaCropControl continues to invest in people, equipment, software and applications.

Satisfaction: We understand that our right to exist depends on customer satisfaction. That is why NovaCropControl strives to satisfy all their customers. Due to the short lines within NovaCropControl, the service of our services can be kept at a high level and we can offer the analyses at an competitive rate.

Innovative: NovaCropControl has optimized the technique of plant sap measurements and has been able to improve the consultancy to fast and reliable, so the customers cultivations can be further optimized. In addition, NovaCropControl invests in R&D. The R&D activities include developing new research techniques, investigating new parameters that can be associated with plant resilience and conducting our own tests in our research locations.

Sustainability: The company mainly radiates its sustainability through the strong urge to convince customers of a different approach to fertilization and by helping them on the way to more efficient fertilization of their crops. NovaCropControl believes it is important that in the future more and more food will be produced containing a broad spectrum of minerals that supplement and improve the health and vitality of people.

Balanced fertilization → vital plants → healthy products → healthy people.

Independent: NovaCropControl's laboratory works independently and impartially and will therefore provide reliable analyses and consultancy.